New Committee members

We are pleased to welcome Hetty Burnell and David Guest. 

Flu vaccination update 10 September 2021

Flu Vaccination Update 10 September 2021 As part of the BHS, welfare of the horse is obviously paramount, however in the current climate the risk of a flu outbreak is at this time minimal. BRC are therefore comfortable to remove the requirement of a vaccination within 6 months and 21 days of a qualifier or championship. This will be with immediate ...

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Join us in celebrating our 60th year as a British Riding Club

To celebrate the East Midlands Dressage Group's 60 years as a British Riding club, we are holding a special evening in a marquee at the Osberton International Horse Trials on Friday 1st October 2021. This is for members past and present and there will be 100 tickets available. Tickets are £35 each (discounted) to include a three-course meal (vegeta...

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Sad news.

 We are greatly saddened to learn of the passing of Rodger Wright, one of the founding members of our wonderful club. Our thoughts are with the family at this sad time.

Mr G M T Foljambe

It is with great sadness that the EMDG learnt of the passing of Mr G M T Foljambe, our founder member and President, who has been our most ardent lifelong supporter. He will be very sadly missed by members and friends of the EMDG. His passion for the EMDG so generously allowed us to use his estate at Osberton over the years for which we are hugely ...

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BRC BE Eventing Leagues

 British Riding Clubs (BRC) offer exciting opportunities to BRC members competing with BE. New for 2021 we will be running a league for all levels from BE80 to BE Intermediate. A cost of £5 per combination will be charged for the year to enter this league. This fee will cover all heights and can be paid over the phone or via the entry website ...

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New Committee Member

We are pleased to welcome on board Annabel Brownfoot as our newest committee member. 

A huge thank you from Steve and Harriet Deeming

Steve & Harriet would like to thank all the EMDG members for their love & kindness, beautiful shared memories, comforting words, heart-warming messages, offers of help and generosity.Jackie truly loved being part of such a great bunch of people sharing a passion and I now know why - many of you played a very important role in her life ...

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BRC Area 16 Training Dates

British Riding Club Area 16 Training 2021 Sunday 2nd May 2021 – Sarah Simpson XC Clinic - £20 per rider Groups of 5 (or 6) (minimum of 3) – each clinic is 90 minutes Nervous and Novice - 09.00 80cm - 10.30 (Group 1) 80cm - 12.30 (Group 2) 90cm - 14.00 90cm - 1m - 15.30 Location: Woodlands Farm, Gildingwells, Worksop, S81 8DB Saturday 5th June 2021 ...

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Easter Competition

What do you want to say??? File Name: EASTER-Comp File Size: 51 kb Download File

COVID restrictions and indoor schools

COVID regs: STEP 1 – FROM 29 MARCH An indoor riding arena may be used for the following exceptions: Elite sports people – this is largely restricted to athletes on the World Class Programme at P1 and P2 level An owner of an animal kept at a riding centre Employees of a riding centre in order to care for and exercise horses or provide veterinary ser...

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Funeral arrangements and donations for Jackie Deeming

The funeral of our dear friend and committee member, Jackie Deeming will be held on Thursday 25th March 2021 at the Barnby Moor Crematorium at 12pm.  Unfortunately due to the Covid restrictions, numbers in the Crem are limited to 30.  The cortege are travelling along Lime Tree Avenue, Clumber Park from the Carburton end from 11:15am ...

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We have received notification from our web company that there may be an issue with us sending/receiving emails.  Due to the massive spamming issues that certain email companies are having, it is effecting servers globally and marking them as a threat and black listing them. This causes clients who email from the server to Outlook, Gmail, ...

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Sad news

We are so sad to learn that our wonderful friend, committee member and camp organiser Jackie Deeming passed away this morning, she will be terribly, terribly missed. Please, please everyone at this time, respect the family's privacy. 

Online Annual General meeting Friday 26 March at 7pm.

Online Annual General Meeting Friday 26 March 2021 7pm-9pm via StarLeaf through the BRC.Available for all fully paid up members to access, full details will be sent in due course.  We will need an up-to-date email address from yourselves in order to send you the details and you will also need to be a fully paid up member (our membership fee ha...

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Possible Area 16 winter dressage and SJ championships

 Please contact Jan Pollard if interested on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Dear All,  With the cancellation of the BRC Winter Novice and Intermediate SJ & CT Champs – and the Winter Novice and Intermediate Dressage running albeit virtually – Les, Jan and myself have been discussing holding an Area 16 Winter Dressage & SJ Championship....

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Statement from the BRC re Championships

BRC Statement 2021 Championships & Membership The BRC Advisory Committee met on Wednesday 13 January to discuss arrangements for the 2021 championships. The committee discussed the current lockdown situation across all nations and the implications this would have on the ability of areas to run qualifying competitions, as well as the championshi...

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BRC online clinics

 Online clinics from the BRC: As we are into another National Lockdown and with the cease of all BRC activity, we have put together another series of informative virtual talks to get us through the weeks.  These will be completely free for all 2021 BRC members. We will be running a virtual clinic every Wednesday at 7pm for the next few we...

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Annual ODE

The EMDG Committee have taken the decision that due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the annual ODE in February at Osberton will not go ahead in 2021.  We hope to arrange further clinics in due course and events later in the year as COVID allows.

Latest COVID guidance from the BRC from 2/12/2020

In England From 2 December, BRC activities can resume across all Tiers. The table below shows the specific guidelines for each type of activity in each Tier. You can find which Tier your area has been placed in here: It should be noted that your individual Tier is taken from your home address, ...

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