Those members who haven't already paid please do so by BACS.

Entries are not yet closed and places available on all days.
Closing date for entries will be Sunday 19th July.

Abigail Shaw
Sarah Bache
Joanne Bates
Martyn Bates
Sally Beedham
Alison Bergomi
Becky Bettinson
Rachel Bloomer
Lisa Briddon
Kelly Brindley
Louise Clarke
Clare Dolman
Jane Fox
Netty Fox
Sarah French
Di Gregory
Merv Johnson
Ric Johnson
Sara Lees
Joanne Light
Sam Mawhood
Nicky McFarlane
Janet Norton
Liz Oades
Rachael Redmond
Debra Renwick
Andy Rooksby
Jo Rusby
Julie Skidmore
Elizabeth Tate
Nicole Thackray
Emma Thorpe
Alice Ward
Joanne Wilson